Sunday, February 14, 2010

What defines greatness

Valentines Day, 2010
Is it really just a Hallmark holiday, created to sell cards, chocolates and roses?
I think not. It's about acknowledging relationships. Relationships perpetuate civilization. Some are temporary, others are long term. Our family has begun the fourth living generation. My parents are great grandparents. It's a wonderful thing. The newest addition is just a month old, but is amazing. Babies bind people together, despite the fact that they are a huge intrusion upon a couples current relationship. It's up to the "Elders" to support, counsel and role model, keeping the family as a unit. My boys have one great grandparent. She's 97 years old and as sharp as a tack. We have been so fortunate to have her as long as we have. The matriarch. The greatgrandparents are the ones who have seen it all, lived through things we may never experience and have the grace and wisdom that comes from living a life.
One month old.

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